English Tutor: 2020


To start with, let us trace the origin of this word, noun, to enable us to have a better understanding of it. The word, noun, is derived from a Latin word, "Nomen" which simply means name. Therefore, a noun simply means name. In other words, it is what someone or something is known by. Everyone and everything that exists in this world has what it is called or known by; that automatically is the name of that person or that thing. We can then define a noun as a name given to persons, places, animals, objects, substances, qualities, actions, and measures. Examples:

  • Persons:  
    • Chika, father, girl, friend, teacher, etc.
  • Animals:
    • dog, monkey, rat, bird, lion. etc.
  • Places:
    • Enugu, Nigeria, Russia, home, etc.
  • Objects:
    • television, chair, house, fridge, book, etc.
  • Substances:
    • air, water, gas, iron, food, etc.
  • Qualities:
    • humility, love, wickedness, kindness, strength, etc.
  • Actions:
    • praying, sleeping, reading, walking, dancing, etc.
  • Measures:
    • year, day, month, litre, pinch, etc.

Classification of Nouns

We shall have two broad classifications of nouns. In the first classification, we have such nouns as common noun, proper noun, collective noun and abstract noun. Under the second classification, we have countable and uncountable noun.

Common Noun

A name is said to be common when it is a general name given to each member of a group of persons or things that are of the same class or kind, or that share some common characteristics or features. Take, for instance, the word, "car", it is a common name. It belongs to a class of objects of transportation, which has four wheels, and seats for a small number of people. Therefore, anything that has above descriptions belongs to this class of car, and as a result, whatever you call it here, and you see anything elsewhere that is the same or similar to it, you still call it the same name. This thus informs the reason you see a car in the street, you call it car, you go to the market and see anything like what you saw in your street, you still call it car; to your village, and you witness a thing of this nature, you call it car and so on.  Other examples of common nouns are television, girl, boy, house, man, book, cup, student, home, watch,  leg, hand, head, clothes, cap, goat, pen, etc.

Proper Noun

Having known what a common noun is, we can, therefore, use it to understand the meaning of proper noun very well. In definition, we say a proper is a name for distinction, differentiation o uniqueness. In other words, a proper noun is a name we give to a common noun to make it different from others in the same group or class. As mentioned earlier, a "car" is a common name, but to make one car different from another, we have Mercedes, Bugatti, Nissan, Toyota,  etc.  Each of these names is proper because it differentiates one car from another, thus making the speaker specific instead of general.  Further, we have something like soap, a common name to a solid object that foams, which is used with water to remove dirt from an object, but Aura, Premier, Imperier, etc, are proper nouns because they are given to varieties of soaps to make each different from the other. The same thing is applicable to you, as a person. Your name is a proper noun given to you to make you different from me and other persons.

Note:  We must point out that every proper noun must start with a capital letter wherever it is found in a sentence. To simplify this further, we can rightly point out that every proper name has a common name, and most common nouns have proper names.

Parts of Speech

Hi there,

Before we start each of the parts of speech in English Language, it will paramount(more important than anything else) importance if we first understand what is meant by Parts of Speech. Parts of Speech are those different classes of words used in constructing sentences for different purposes. Thre are eight parts of speech in English Language, viz:

  • Noun
  • Pronoun 
  • Adjective 
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Preposition 
  • Conjunction and 
  • Interjection

We shall, therefore, pick up each of these parts of speech and give it a thorough and comprehensive analysis.


Hello Everyone 😃😃

I am Nephi Asha and am going to take you on the topic of Grammar this week in  English Language. So get prepared, because it's going to be fun.